One of the best ways to keep subscribers engaged and increase life time value is by rewarding loyalty. You can use autoMate's Order Sequence Gifting feature to automatically assign a free gift to a customers next queued order based on what order sequence number they are on. We recommend watching the How do autoMate Order Sequence numbers work? video first to fully understand how OS Gifting works.
Please Note:
The product sequence that you create will only take affect when your next queued order is processed by ReCharge. Please read our guide on when autoMate sequences begin so that you are aware of what to expect. How do autoMate Order Sequence numbers work
Watch the video demo here
How it works
To create a new order sequence gift, you must first tell autoMate what subscription products this will apply to. We call this the Trigger product/variant that we look out for when a new order is processed.
autoMate will receive a webhook from ReCharge when a new customer signs up or a subscription order is processed. When autoMate receives this webhook, a check is made on the product ID within the subscription, if it matches the trigger product, autoMate can check to see if the customer qualifies for a free gift on their next order.
Create a Order Sequence Gift
Click on Order Sequence Gifts in the main navigation and select Add new to create a new rule.
You will need to select which trigger products/variants will be included in this offer. You can select multiple triggers if it applies to many subscription products. The trigger is typically the product ID of the ReCharge product sold on the website.
When you have selected all of your trigger products, you can click add which will save them to the rule.
The next step is to define at what point in the subscription autoMate should add the free product to the customers next queued order. In this example we are going to give a customer a free product on the 4th order.
The final step is to define which product that customer should get on their 4th order, to do this click on Choose Gift products for sequence 4.
Once you have made your selection, click Add, which will save it to the rule.
Finally click save in the bottom right hand corner and that's it!
From this moment forward, autoMate will automatically add this free product to the subscription when it changes the Order Sequence number from 3 to 4.
Please note, autoMate will not add this product to subscribers who are already on Order Sequence 4. This is because autoMate will not get a webhook about this subscription until their 4th order is processed.